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Yoga, Aerial, Cycle & Adventure

Writer's pictureVincent Brown

Mountain Pose & Child Pose Tutorial

Mountain and Childs Pose
Mountain and Childs Pose

Welcome to our first "Yoga Unscripted" session! Today, we're diving into two fundamental poses: Mountain Pose (Tadasana) and Child's Pose (Balasana). I'm not the biggest fan of sanskrit, but I'll include the names in case you find yourself in class with an instructor that loves them.

Often, these poses are the unsung heroes in our practice, acting as our "oh shit" moments or our "get out of jail free" cards. Whether you're seeking a moment to catch your breath, re-center, or signal a pause due to an edge or injury, these poses are your allies. And remember, you're likely not alone in needing this break – it's common for others to join in once one person takes the lead. So, let's embrace these poses without hesitation!

Mountain Pose (Tadasana):

This pose looks like you're just standing there, but there's actually allot going on!

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward.

  2. Engage your thighs, drawing up through the kneecaps.

  3. Tuck your tailbone slightly, ensuring your pelvis is in a neutral position.

  4. Roll your shoulders back and down, opening your chest.

  5. Extend your arms alongside your body, palms facing forward.

  6. Lengthen your neck, aligning it with your spine.

  7. Gaze forward, with a soft focus.

  8. Breathe deeply and evenly, feeling your feet grounded and your crown reaching upwards.


  • Improves posture and balance.

  • Strengthens thighs, knees, and ankles.

  • Reduces flat feet.

  • Increases awareness and steadiness.


  • To aid balance, bring a hand to your belly.

  • To test your balance close your eyes.

  • For more grounding, press your feet firmly into the mat, when you do try to keep everything else engaged. Easier said than done!

Child's Pose (Balasana)

How to Execute:

  1. Kneel on the mat, toes together, knees hip-width apart.

  2. Exhale and lower your torso between your knees.

  3. Extend your arms forward, palms down.

  4. Alternatively, rest your arms alongside your body, palms up.

  5. Rest your forehead on the mat.

  6. Relax your shoulders, back, and neck.

  7. Breathe gently, allowing your body to sink deeper with each exhale.


  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress.

  • Gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles.

  • Alleviates back and neck pain when done with head and torso supported.


  • Place a pillow under your forehead for comfort.

  • For a hip stretch, widen your knees.

"Child's pose is great, but not during a company meeting in front of your colleagues." – Pro Tip From Vince

With these two poses you should survive any class.

Remember, these poses are not just about taking a break; they're about listening to your body and respecting its needs. So, next time you're in a class and feel the urge to pause, honor that intuition with Mountain or Child's Pose.

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